Bibliografia sobre trastorns depressius
- American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-5. Arlington (VA): American Psychiatric Association; 2013
- Bañuelos M, Planella M, de Giacomi F., Trastornos afectivos (I): Síndrome depresivo en AAVV, Hospitalización psiquiátrica breve. Manual Clínico. Editorial Panamericana, Madrid 2019.
- Kessler RC, Berglund P, Demler O, Jin R, Koretz D, Merikangas KR, et al. The epidemiology of major depressive disorder: results from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication (NCS-R). JAMA. 2003;289(23):3095-105
- Gabilondo A, Rojas-Farreras S, Rodríguez A, Fernández A, Pinto-Meza A, Vilagut G, et al. Use of primary and specialized mental health care for a major depressive episode in Spain by ESEMeD respondents. Psychiatr Serv. 2011;62(2):152-61.
- Marcus M, Yasamy MT, Ommeren Mv, Chisholm D, Saxena S, WHO Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse. Depression. A Global Public Health Concern. Geneva: WHO. 2012.
- World Health Organization. Mental health action plan 2013 - 2030. Geneva: WHO; 2018.
- Organització Mundial de la Salut (OMS) 2021. Depresión. [Citat 13 octubre 2021].